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"Wind" by Things That Occur In Nature

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Email Trick

While this blog post has nothing to do with ambient Music or Things That Occur In Nature,
it has been an extremely useful tip to me so I thought I would share it.

Have you ever found that between your spam, email lists that you thought you would have time to read- and all those millionaires that want to borrow your bank account for a few days that your email IN box is simply overwhelming? I'm not sure if I hold the world record or anything but until today, my email IN box contained 34,331 messages- 26,832 of which were unread. With Mac Mail, searching is easy and fast (kindof like Eudora) it's all indexed and you can search for any keyword and easily find messages. So, if I wanted to look up all the Mix Magazine articles; type in Mix and scroll. Still though, Thirty One Thousand Messages is a bit out of hand. So, my solution to get back to a nice clean, Zen-like empty mailbox? Simply create an additional mailbox called INBOX 2. I then select all the messages in my IN box and drag them (or transfer in Macmail) to INBOX 2.
Voila! Done. So now, if I want to look for that email from the record label where they promised they would put me in the same room with Brain Eno, I search for Brian Eno and....there it is.

I am finding now that I am not only deleting unneeded messages faster but also unsubscribing to junk emails. It just all seems a bit more manageable now.

Try it, if it works or if you have a similar organizational tip, let me know here!

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